Water Damage Photo Gallery

Summit Hall at Drexel University
Unfortunately a sewer pipe broke in Summit Hall at Drexel University early this morning. It caused so much water damage that our crew said it was almost as if it was raining inside! We sent almost all of our crew members over to the hall today to start the remediation immediately.
Water Heater Leaks Ruining Hardwood Floors
This family's hot water heater broke recently and caused water damage to their hardwood floors. The discoloration from the water can clearly be seen. The hardwood ended up having to be removed.
Basement Pool Table Area Affected by Water
This water damage actually occurred due to a leaky pipe on the 3rd floor of this families home. The paint as you can see is sagging due to the dampness from the water.
Water Heater Leaks Affecting Family Home
One morning this summer a family discovered that their water heater had broken and caused water damage that affected many rooms in the home. The ceilings in most of the rooms too the most damage.

More Water in in Local Schools
Here is another picture at a local school of a water damage job our team took care of. The amount of water on the floor can be seen clearly but it was not a problem for our guys!
Water Spots on a Ceiling
One of the signs that your roof may be leaking are spots such as the one in the picture. This patch is a water damaged ceiling that our team came out to repair in an apartment complex.
Water Damaged Basement
A picture of one of the water damage jobs we got called out to handle. As you can see there is quite a bit of water spread throughout the basement. Our team was able to get it restored in no time!