Routine Appliance Checks
1/21/2022 (Permalink)

Typically water damage in a home or other property are due to common things like floods or burst pipes however, there are other causes that can sometimes go unseen. The most common cause of hidden water damage is household appliances which can pose a threat to your home of business when left unattended
Refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioners, and hot water heaters are the biggest culprits that are typically to blame for costly water damage repairs.
Refrigerators and dishwashers can definitely cause damage in your kitchen and should be regularly pulled away from the wall to check your flooring for any leaking water. While pulled out you should also check the water lines and try to keep them from tangling which can increase your chances of an issue once the appliance is back in place. Dishwashers are sometimes not covered in your insurance policy so be sure to check up on your dishwasher regularly because it could be the source of a huge headache for you.
Washing Machines use a lot of water and are also used often so they can also be a common cause of water damage. Washing Machines need the same care as your other appliances so just be sure to pull them out regularly and check your floors and hoses for any water leakage. These hoses have a lifespan of about 5 years and should be replaced on a schedule to avoid any unnecessary damage.
Air conditioners do have implementations that remove moisture as the machine runs, but any issues with these designs could allow water damage to occur. Make sure to follow all of the company's guidelines and to check regularly for leaks.
Hot water heaters are something we sometimes forget about because they are often tucked away out of sight and they end up out of mind. They do have a life of about 8-12 years and are usually forgotten about until it’s time to get a new one or until the old one blows. Try to keep an eye on your hot water heater regularly checking on the external components, making sure the seals and pipes aren’t leaking anywhere. Because your hot water heater is typically hidden away it has the potential to cause a good amount of damage before being remediated especially if it’s in a place like a closet or basement where it can affect a lot of other content in your home or business.
Please be sure to follow these routine checks so there are no surprises in your home but if you need us we are here to help! For all of your water restoration needs, call SERVPRO!